Artwork should make you smile, and that is why so many people love this Jackalope painting. Who knew there were so many breeds of Jackalope? Do you know anyone who believes in them? You could certainly further the myth with this cell phone case! Here is the list of jackalope breeds from left to right: Belgian Hare Reindeerlope, English Angora Ramalope, Flemish Giant Moosealope, Holland Lopalope, Lion Head Buckalope, Netherland Dwarfalope, and the Common Jackalope.
Introducing the future of phones - a biodegradable phone case with absolutely no plastic. The material used for this phone case won’t add to the landfill, it becomes biodegradable in just 160 days. Made of PLA plant polymer with a bamboo binder. This is what you need today. Join the movement, stay ECO.
.: Slim form and lightweight
.: Precise cut outs for connectivity
.: Supports wireless charging
.: Might have a natural scent
.: Gift packaging available